I just moved in with my fiancee in Austin, TX. He and some of his friends have a movie night thing going on Wednesdays (to the wee hours of the morning) and I HAVE NO WORDS for the crazy nonsense. This past Wednesday we watched:

Phantom of the Paradise, which was actually sort of fun in a Rocky Horror camp/cult way. The music was fairly normal, but the over the top acting and plot was just beyond all else. The end, especially, was incredible in a terrible way. And Beef is absolute MUST SEE! Though I have to say, we were all like, HIS CANTATA IS BASED ON FAUST AND HE DOESN'T FIND IT SUSPICIOUS PAUL WILLIAMS WANTS HIM TO SIGN A CONTRACT IN BLOOD!!! Oh the stupid.

After that, J's friend Bre forced us to watch this amazingly awful film against our wills. It was filmed in Spanish first (I think), translated to Japanese and then dubbed into English. It is alternately known as "Star Troopers", "El Baron Contra Il Demons" or "The Baron Against the Demons". This story of Christian(ish) space nights versus crazed Demons involved gore, sperm, mac n' cheese looking lava, paper mache boobs, gold zepplins, robotic arms (that no one fucking USED), bagpipers and lots of naked/scantily clad persons. It also made NO FUCKING SENSE. But I liked it because of how hysterically funny it unintentionally was. The main character was a huge dbag and you just wanted him to get killed but he was practically freaking invincible. On the upside, one of the characters looks quite a lot like George Lucas. Oh, I forgot to tell you about the robots and the puppets. But seriously, watch that sometime. Neither the poster nor the description truly does this film justice.

Finally we watched Mr. Vampire 3 which is like this crazy shit with ghosts and demons and witches and Kung Fu and comedy. It was fairly awesome but my enthusiasm was flagging because I was about to fall asleep. The fight scenes were win, however. And Mr. Vampire (identifiable by his kick ass eyebrows)'s nephew was such a tremendous douche I actually had the urge to throw things at the TV. That's all. Maybe I'll tell you about next week, if it is anywhere near as entertaining.
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