I work in retail. One of the things we do on every register transaction is ask for phone number and e-mail. Amazingly, about 83% of people give us their phone number and about 19% give their e-mail. First of all, that's dumb. With your phone number, I can find out your name and address and stalk you forever. With your e-mail, I can... send you e-mail. Why do you guard your digital information so selfishly. If you decide you don't want the e-mails, there is a little button at the end of EVERY SINGLE ONE you can press to unsubscribe. Also, we (as a store) get rewards if you give your e-mail and telephone number to us. Our boss bakes cookies. I'm not saying you shouldn't give your phone number, just that it makes no sense to give that and then not tell me your e-mail. Just give them both to me so I can eat some damn cookies, enjoy the multitude of coupons we send you since I see you in the store every damn week anyway, and hit unsubscribe if your e-mailbox is too full. Deal?

Seriously, fucking do it.
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